Glitterfest is coming soon.
I wanted to share some of the fleurs I have
been working on.
I am also working in the new blogger
editor and wanted to see
how it works.
So far it has been great and I don't have to put my pictures in backwards any more!
That was so confusing before to try and think what was going in last.
I am having problems on spacing however so bear with me.
Anyway the show will be here before you know it so I am busy getting ready.
Now for the giveaway!
I found this blog in the most roundabout way. I was visiting Rose at Bella Rosa
I found this blog in the most roundabout way. I was visiting Rose at Bella Rosa
and got caught up in visiting lots of blogs and woke up here.
Gale Payne of wizard of once was makes these incredible pillows and I am going to have to get one! The one with the flowers is really amazing. She has more beautiful pictures too so
be sure to stop by.
I just love finding new people here in blog land!