This is what I have been up to..............
I went to buy some Pom Poms for the headbands I am making for a local clothing shop
and was not pleased with what was out there,
so I wondered, how hard could it be to make my own?
And since am making my molded flowers out of felt right now
I want felted balls.
I check out my favorite shop for classes but they don't seem to have any that teach the fine art of ball making! Plus I wanted to make them NOW.
Sooooooo $100.00 dollars later
I am teaching myself how to make all sorts of felted things, and I am getting excited.
It is so fun! It is so rewarding! It is so expensive!
The expense is partly due to the fact that
I have had some "mishaps"
and that I am going crazy with ideas and trying out different techniques
in a flurry of felting madness.

What you see above is some of what I have been up to and there is much more
in various stages littering my studio and the dining room table too!
I kind of spilled out all over the place in my frenzy.
I am hoping to have a model soon
(My niece has generously offered since I always said she should be a model.)
and I think the pictures will be much better than this last one of a headband on a cantaloupe!