What a fun day! I was able to meet lots of new friends and sold lots of what I had in these pictures of my space. I was kind of busy and distracted so my pictures are not the best but I wanted to share............
We decided to stay open in the back shop until Tuesday night with some of the leftovers and Darren has lots of goodies from the store that he says are 75% to 100% off! 100%? Yes that is right so if you are in the area come on down!
I had to share my daughters darling key chains. She is having so much fun making these. We sold several that day and there are a few more for sale in the shop. I think they are so cute! I have an order in for an ear of corn! My fave!
These pillows are gorgeous don't you think? Bianca and her daughter were busy the entire day. They were located by the puppy adoption gals and that area was really popular. Of course I wanted and should have taken more photos and I promise to do better in the future.
I also wanted to thank Lidy from French Garden House and Dawn from The Feathered Nest for the very nice welcome they gave me on their blogs. So many of their wonderful friends have written to me and I am so grateful for the support I have been given. Thanks Girls!
Stay tuned as my sister and I are going up to Cambria. Ca. to visit my Mom and we will be reporting on some wonderful places to visit if you are in that area. I will take some pictures too. There is a Tag sale that we are looking forward to and much much more..............See you soon
Monday, June 29, 2009
Paris to the Moon Sale
Thursday, June 25, 2009

This Saturday June 27th
Paris to the Moon
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Hope to see you there!
Paris to the Moon
1720 A Santa Ana Ave
Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627

It was in her bag!
On Fathers day last Sunday my step Aunt Kathy brought a bag of goodies! It was full of treasures that she wanted to show us from her Mother. I took lots of pictures to share since we do not see these things every day. Take a look................Here is Kathy with the bag.......
Inside was this wonderful old shirt insert called a dickey. Look at the detail. When we looked at the label inside we were surprised and delighted to see who wore this........
Tyrone Power!
I could not resist placing my velvet flowers on this incredible beaded piece. I even put some of these pictures on Etsy.
Look at the detail and color on this!
We were all allowed to pick a bag and it was so hard to choose. Kathy was so generous to share!
My Daughter picked this one which she proclaimed as her favorite immediately! She gets her good taste from me......
Oh here is my Dad and Step mom. This is what we all got together for! (got carried away by the goodies) Happy Fathers day dad! I love you!
Kathy made this very cute large cupcake cake. I think it is so cute! And it was delicious. We had a wonderful time. Two of my children Mandy my daughter and Georgie. Mandy and my son Michael have left the nest but I still have Georgie so I am not without someone to mother!
I will be back later today to give details of the Paris to the Moon sale. You don't want to miss this one!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
As I was telling you three posts ago I would share more of what we did this past weekend. After the barn sale La Rustique Maison we went to downtown Temecula to one of my favorite shops called Serendipity. I always find something here! I love it because besides all the goodies on the inside the garden section is fabulous. They really do a great job...................
I love these they are vines and they bloom here in California for many months. They come in several colors but I am partial to pink.

Petunias are not my favorite flower but I thought these were so pretty. They were of course even better in person............
Thanks to My friend Michelle from Shabby Creations who did all the artwork on my blog. She fixed my comments button. You can now leave me a message anytime you want! Yea Michelle! You can link to her here on my blog if you want to check out her portfolio.
So now that I am all fixed up I hope to hear from you soon...........

Monday, June 22, 2009
I got it!

These forget-me-not's are the sweetest things to me
I have a little collection of them and they are one of the few things
that really make my heart race when I see them.
Unfortunately for me these were display only so better luck next time right?

I thought these were so cute in a drawer. I hope you can all make a trip to La Maison Rustic. Linda and the girls would love to have you!
I bought the small diamond coin purse in the first picture and the little glitter bird with shine in her beak. I also picked up a bracelet that I am going to fix up with some vintage treasures. I will share later. Have a wonderful day............ I will be working on my flowers and playing with my two little furry visitors that are with me till Wednesday. .................Kim
Busy Weekend
My best friend since junior high is Lora. She and I have now been friends for 38 Years! That is a long time. We have never had a real fight which is amazing and over the years we have had many adventures that we laugh about to this day. I hope that everyone has a friend like Lora in their life.
So anyway when she asked me to go out to her folks house to take her dad to breakfast for fathers day I was up for it......then she said we could go to the barn sale La Maison Rustic too I was even more up for it!
Lora's Parents live on a beautiful ranch in the French Valley near Lake Skinner. They own race horses that they take very good care of each day which is lots of work when you are supposed to be retired! I got some pictures of their newest babies that are under a year old. So cute.
Then we went out to the Barn sale. Lots of new stuff since I had been there last. Linda lamaisonrustuic.typepad.com does such a great job with display. I am always inspired and come home to change up something in my home to reflect what I have seen.
I got to meet Deb from Breathing beside us and she is really nice. I told her I have been reading her blog for a while now and feel like I know her, she is just as real and nice in person as she is in blogland. Her bags and t-shirts are really great and so well done. She uses only the best materials and it really shows. Silk velvet on the inside of the bags is just yummy! I am going to put her in my friends and favorites when I can figure out how to do that so you can find her wonderful blog.
I also met Marie Vollaire. Great name! Lora gave me some wonderful pillows that Marie made for Christmas. She does upholstery too. She did a chair for Lora that is a real work of art. What a talented woman who is as nice as can be. I love her work. See her pillows and a chair at the top of this page.
Well as you can see I have not mastered the picture with text feature on the blog. I will work on that when my friend Karen gets back from vacation, Till then I will add another posting with pictures only of the barn sale and Serendipity, my favorite shop in Temecula which is where we landed after the Barn Sale.
A really wonderful day with old friends, new friends, and beautiful things to drool over and buy. What could be better, Thanks Lora!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Angel Babies
Good Morning,
I have been blessed with two little angels this week while their Mommy in away on vacation. Above are some pictures of these precious babies.......Betsy is the first one she is the protector of little Winnie. They started off pretty shy but now they run to me and climb right up on my lap, then they try to keep going and I think they are really trying to get on top of my head!
Here is a picture of my little boy Georgie...............
All he wants to do is play with these two ladies. Alas they are a little more reserved.................but as yesterday wore on they let loose and had a wonderful time in the grass under a cloudy cool sky. Betsy lost her barrette in all the mayhem. .......fun but today everyone is tired.
Here it is not even 9:00 AM and they are all sleeping......I mean snoring!
I guess this is my cue to go get some flowers done and post them in my etsy shop later today. Always take advantage of sleeping babies I say!